Therapeutic Pathway & Fees
Step 1 - Let's schedule a call to see if I can provide what you're looking for. It's 15-30 minutes, and it's free. Best way to contact me is via email, or through the contact page of this website.
Cost: Free
Step 2 - If it seems like a good fit, we next schedule a 1.5 - 2 hour meeting for the adults only (in-person or tele-health), where we will discuss symptoms, family history, and other related topics based on the intake paperwork. This allows me to understand more fully, what strengths and challenges exist, and establish goals for our time working together.
Cost: $250*
*Out of Network
Step 3 - In person, weekly meetings are scheduled between the child and therapist, and meetings between parents and therapist (in-person or telehealth) for every 4-6 weeks.
Cost: $190*
*Out of Network